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SF Bay Area FinTech Week 2020: FinTech hAPI Hour

Day 1 of SF Bay Area’s Fintech Week 2020 ended on a high note last night. The event was on the 45th floor of the Salesforce Tower overlooking the majestic Bay. Thanks to Envestnet Yodlee for being wonderful and welcoming hosts.

The evening was full of industry professionals making connections and sharing insights. Many of the people I met last night worked within a 5- minute walk to my office, which reflects how close-knit the local FinTech community is. Folks from Yodlee, Wealthfront, Accenture, Imgix, Brex, Plaid, PayPal, and BBVA were all in attendance.

The special focus on APIs, the framework behind most industry innovation from the last decade, was definitely felt. Besides the catchy event title (“hAPI Hour), the majority of attendees were active in developing or promoting APIs at their companies. This made for quality discussions of how to handle challenges, what’s coming up next with products and features, and opportunities to share resources.

As a bonus we heard from industry experts on the latest FinTech trends for 2020. Speakers showcased API demos and presentations — featured companies included VeemWealthfront, PayActivPayPal and Homelight.

More to come as we cover FinTech Week 2020 — be on the lookout for additional events scheduled for the week!